Saint Lucia 2002

Saint Lucia is a small island country located in the Caribbean. It is composed of one main island, surrounded by numerous smaller islands. The population of Saint Lucia in 2002 was around 160 thousand people and English was the official language. The capital city of Castries was home to many government buildings, as well as popular tourist attractions such as the Pitons National Park, Sulphur Springs and Diamond Falls Botanical Gardens.

The economy of Saint Lucia in 2002 was largely based on services, industry and agriculture. Services accounted for around 60% of GDP; they included activities such as banking, finance and tourism. Industry accounted for around 20% of GDP; it included activities such as manufacturing and construction. Agriculture played an important role; it accounted for around 10% of GDP and included crops such as bananas, coconuts and cocoa. Tourism had begun to develop as well; visitors were drawn to Saint Lucia’s stunning beaches, vibrant culture and unique architecture.

Yearbook 2002

Saint Lucia. Integration between the countries of the Eastern Caribbean deepened during the year. National day of Saint Lucia is every February 22. Saint Lucia, together with the other member states of the eastern Caribbean cooperative organization OECS, decided that a joint economic union should be formed at the turn of the year 2002/2003. Then free movement of goods and services between these countries would begin to prevail. Free movement of labor was to be introduced in 2007.

Saint Lucia Border Countries Map

With the Union, the countries hoped to be able to strengthen their positions in the international export market. Banana exports were by far the largest source of income for the country.

Country data

Area: 616 km2 (world ranking: 179)

Residents: 179,000

Population density: 291 per km2 (as of 2017, world ranking: 178)

Capital: Castries

Official languages: English

Gross domestic product: US $ 1.7 billion; Real growth: 2.7%

Gross national product (GNP, per resident and year): 8780 US$

Currency: 1 Eastern Caribbean. Dollar (EC $) = 100 cents



Weidebornweg 21, 61348 Bad Homburg vdH
Phone 06172 302324,
Fax 06172 305314

Head of State: Elizabeth II, Head of Government: Allen Chastanet, Exterior: Sarah Flood-Beaubrun

National holiday: 22.2.

Administrative structure
11 districts

State and form of government
Constitution of 1979
Parliamentary monarchy (in the Commonwealth)
Parliament: House of Assembly with 18 members (17 elected, 1 ex officio), election every 5 years; Senate (Senate) with 11 appointed members.
Suffrage from 18 years of age.

Population of: Lucians, last census 2010: 166,526 residents.
96% of African and European-African, 3% of Indian, 1% of European descent

Cities (with population): (as of 2010) Castries 22,111 Pop.; Z (2001) Bexon 7119, Babonneau 5138, Ciceron 3577, Dennery 3051, Vieux Fort 2827

Religions: 61% Catholics, 10% Adventists, 9% Pentecostals, 2% Evangelicals, 2% Baptists and others; 6% without religion (as of 2006)

Languages: English; Patois (French Creole)

Employed by economic sector: Agriculture. 15%, industry 17%, business 68% (2017)

Unemployment (in% of all labor force): 2017: 21.0%

Inflation rate (in%): 2017: 0.1%

Foreign trade: import: 660 million US$ (2017); Export: 115 million US $ (2017)