Azov, Rostov Region (Russia)

According to animalerts, the city of Azov is located in the Rostov region on the left bank of the Don River, not far from its confluence with the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov. Rostov-on-Don is located 42 km northwest of Azov. The first settlement on the site of modern Azov was formed in 1067 by the Polovtsy, who captured the Don River Delta. This settlement was named Azak. The coastal location of Azak and its favorable economic position at the crossroads of trade routes from Asia to Europe attracted many. There was a constant struggle for the fortress built here. In the 13th century, Azak was conquered by the Genoese. They established the trading fortress of Tana near the settlement.

In the 15th century, Azak was taken by the Turks and became the northern port of the Ottoman Empire. The Turks built new fortifications, which were known in Russia as the Azov fortress. From Azov they traded black caviar, fish and slaves. On June 18, 1637, the Cossacks retook the fortress, and for five years it was the capital of the Don Cossacks. In 1641, the Turkish army laid siege to Azov, five thousand Cossacks held the line for four months, after which the Turks retreated. However, in 1642, the Cossacks left the fortress in order not to start a war with the Ottoman Empire, for which Russia was not ready. All Azov fortifications were blown up. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739, the fortress was recaptured by Russia. At the end of the 18th century, Azov was the center of the Azov province, at the beginning of the 19th century it was a settlement of the Yekaterinoslav province, in 1888 it was annexed to the Don Army Region and transferred under Cossack control. In 1926, Azov again received the status of a city. Azov today- a developing international seaport and a large industrial center. There are many historical sights left in the city, and its proximity to the Sea of Azov attracts many tourists every year. The air of the Sea of Azov is saturated with calcium, iodine and bromine, which gives it healing properties. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the neuroendocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, on thermoregulatory and metabolic processes, and increases tone. The coastal part of the Sea of Azov is shallow, so it is perfect for families with children. From Azov, you can go to the beach areas of the Taganrog Bay, the most popular places are the vicinity of the city of Taganrog (50 km north of Azovalong the coast), Pavlovo-Ochakovskaya Spit and Chumbur-Kosa (60 km south of Azov).

Numerous cannons installed throughout Azov, and the monument to Peter I, which was erected in 1996 to mark the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, are reminiscent of the rich history of the city. Not far from the city center in the vicinity of the port, the remains of the Azov fortress are visible. Parts of the ancient ramparts have been preserved here. The Turks poured them in, and Peter I actively used them during campaigns against Azov. The surviving rampart has a rounded shape, its height reaches 15 m. Nowadays, cannons of the Azov fortress are installed on it. From the ancient defensive structures of the fortress, there is also a moat and Alekseevsky gates, which are cut into the bulk shaft. Their construction dates back to the end of the 17th century. At first they were made of wood, and in 1801-1805 they were rebuilt in stone. Near the gates there are memorial plaques and monuments, among which the monument to the Don Cossacks who participated in the Azov seat stands out. The ramparts offer a beautiful view of the surroundings of Azov and the Don River Delta. From here to the city port stretches a pine park with stone figures of ancient warriors. At the end of the park there is a monument dedicated to the capture of Azov by Russian troops under Peter I.

Not far from the ramparts is the Powder Cellar. This is the only surviving fortification of Catherine’s times in the southern part of Russia. The powder magazine was built in 1799. In 1967, to celebrate the 900th anniversary of Azov, an exposition and diorama “The Capture of Azov by the Troops of Peter I in 1696” was opened here. In addition, the Powder Cellar stores items related to Azov from the era of Peter the Great: ancient tools and monuments of iconography and fine art. In the courtyard of the cellar, you can see a model of a burial mound with authentic Polovtsian stone statues.

The powder cellar is under the jurisdiction of the Azov Historical, Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve. This is one of the largest museums in the southern part of Russia. It tells about the nature and history of the Don region. Here are presented the fauna and flora of the forest-steppe zone and the floodplain of the Don, an archaeological exposition with materials from excavations on the territory of Azov, expositions dedicated to the campaigns of Peter I, the Russian-Turkish wars, the civil war, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the modern life of the city. The museum contains such unique exhibits as gold jewelry, details of horse harness, gold and silver dishes and weapons found in burial mounds, the only trogontherium elephant skeleton in the country, whose age is 600 thousand years, and the skeleton of a deinotherium elephant, about 5 years old. million years.

Azov, Rostov Region (Russia)